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  • Writer's pictureTyler Pham

Week 4 Annotated Reading, Due 1/28/19

A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing(Flower Hayes):

>Writing has often time been thought of as a linear process and has been taught that way as well

>There have been attempts to study the writing process, but it is often tainted by the system it is taught as well.

>Theories about the writing process have developed from a system where people used to think there were distinct stages, into a more open group of stages where any process can happen at any time

>Flower and Hayes say there are 4 key points about cognitive process theory:

>The processes of writing is best understood as a set of distinctive thinking processes which writers orchestrate or organize during the act of composing

>These processes have a hierarchical, highly embedded organization in which any given process can be embedded within any other

>The act of composing itself is a goal-directed thinking process, guidede by the writer's own growing network of goals.

>Writers create their own goals in two key ways: by generating both high-level goals and supporting sub-goals which emboy the writers developing sense of purpose, adn then, at times by changing major goals or even establishing entirely new ones based on what has been learned in the act of writing.

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